I love me, myself and I

Assalamualaikum, for kali ni punya post, i would like to share everything about me.
maybe post sebelum ni, i dont even share about ne, but kali ni, kira beruntung sebab i honestly would like to expose myself to all of you 

actually it's not a fully thingy about me, but the short one that you guys can only kenal me.

 i do start with my name first, ok my name is Nurul Asyiqin binti Mohamad Khidhir. i was born in 10 October 1999, for now im not offically 18, but will achieve it only <than a month. 

so whatdupp, now im a student of JMC which is Johor Matriculation College in Tangkak as MD student. ok well, bila dah MD student, mestilah ambition more to engineering.

so sad to say that my ambition now is more kepada engineering, sebab at first i would like to be a doctor. sad but this is my journey that Allah has written for me, so i let it be.

hmm, about me, i dont have nothing else to share buttttt i have to. about me, i known as many as someone yang not so good at face sebab i was so sombong at face but it's ok then, my face is just a face but not my attitude to people!

so that's all about me that i want to share, for more, you guys can do follow me in Instagram/Twitter : anasyqn 

 love, ana ❤


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