
Assalamualaikum, okay  untuk kali ni, i would like to share to you guys on how to appreciate the person you love.

ok the person you love doesnt mean orang yang kau suka or i mean with crush, but those people around you especially your family. 

person you love is not orang yang only ada bila your down or at your lowest, but they are the person that always with you doesnt matter at your down or at your upper of life.

appreciate them bukan hanya dengan cara you guys sayang dia, kasih dia, not. but to do is you guys kena sentiasa ada dengan mereka at your life

you guys need to do something which is make them proud.

at first, boleh lah ambil contoh your parents.

ok, kenapa dengan parents?
sebab kau nak dapat keberkatan Allah kat situ. keberkatan Allah is terletak dekat macam mana hubungan kau dengan parents kau...

how to make them proud???

simple. belajar betul-betul.
sebab apa?
parents ni, they put all their hopes to you. diaorang nak tengok kau berjaya. then, DO SOMETHING FOR THEM !

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing and food
this is my whole family, Mama, alekek, ayah, me and afaii, my baby 
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
this is my mom and my sister, alekek

Image may contain: 2 people, selfie, outdoor and closeup
this picture was captured when we're having the holiday in Bandung, Indonesia. 

Then, person i love bukan sahaja my parents, but all people around me including my kawan-kawan. i have to do something for them in order to appreciate them.

maybe i dont have anything to give them, A house, money or else to appreciate them. but i do have hearts that can make me know on how to love them as much as i can because i know, through my ups and downs, they are the person that bring me up.

 that's all, 
love, Ana.❤


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